Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alpha's ABC's Featured Character Today

Hello Boys & Girls!! 
Pablo Penguin
Alpha Learning World, Inc.
Alpha's Featured character for today, September 22nd 2011 is:
Pablo Penguin will be featured on our website today and on our facebook page as well !

Here are a few interesting penguin facts: 

Winter arrives in Antarctica in March. The continent is in the Southern Hemisphere and has seasons that are opposite those in the north. Nearly all creatures leave except for the emperor, the only animal that spends the winter on Antarctica's open ice. Emperor penguins are the largest of the 17 species, or kinds, of penguins, and they spend their entire lives on Antarctic ice and in its waters. They survive breeding, raising young, and eating by relying on a number of clever adaptations. Emperors clump together in huge, huddled masses. They take turns moving to the inside of the group, where they're protected from the icy cold temperatures and wind. Once they've had a chance to warm up, they take their turns back on the circle's edges, giving fellow penguins time in the warmer center. 
 Have fun learning today kids!!
If you would like to read more about Emperor Penguins you can visit our friends website:

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