Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alpha's ABC's Daily Featured Character


"Ulysses Unicorn"
 Hey kids, Alpha's ABC's "Featured Character" September 27 2011

Unicorn Facts:
Actually the Unicorn is thought to be just a myth, but hey it's a pretty cool character!!!

The Unicorn is a legendary animal, one might say mythical but for the numerous historical accounts of its existence and description. Cave drawings in Lascaux, France depict a horse-like animal with a single straight horn that archeologists have playfully named "the unicorn." Aboriginal paintings found in South Africa and South America are said to be those of unicorns, since they look like no other animal. In 1977, a South American scientist was recorded as stating he believed unicorns to be one of South America's "lost" species, hunted out of existence in pre-history. Still, due to lack of fossil records and other hard-core evidence, most scientists believe the unicorn has never existed.
The modern-day unicorn is depicted as a white horse with a long spiraled golden or white horn coming from its forehead. This has not always been so. In medieval times, the unicorn was considered to be the size of a donkey or goat. It was white, but had the head of a deer, the body of a horse, the tail of a lion, the beard of a goat and cloven hooves.

Click the link below to print out and custom color the Unicorn.  Have Fun Learning Today!!!!


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